[ubuntu-art] Jaunty Wallpaper

nomasteryoda at gmail.com nomasteryoda at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 21:16:22 GMT 2009

oops... sent back to Kenneth... Sorry about that.

I've posted some images on my Jaunty art page on the wiki - Nomasteryoda  
designs - and gotten some good comments. I made some changes and updated  
the page with more grit and less impressionist style. This is a photo, but  
not like normal photographs you find in the family scrapbook or on the  
Windows 7 desktop.

If this is in the right mode of thinking as far as imagery goes, let us  
know. I can always warp the image to yield the mascot since that appears be  
desired. One note from Intrepdi is the Ibex is still hard for people to  
pick out on the current release as I think it should be, but it looks  
almost like a coffee stain on the elephant skin of prior versions.


Jeff Hatfield (aka nomasteryoda)
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