[ubuntu-art] Artwork Deadline One

Saleel svelanka at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 13:14:14 GMT 2009

John Baer wrote:
> I am not sure the desire, but 2.19.2009 is the deadline one for artwork.
> IMO we should have our submissions to the point they are submitted to
> the wiki for comments.
> To satisfy that desire I submitted a "customizable" Jaunty background to
> the wiki today.
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty/Impression/Background

Yikes! thats only 10 days away! which means one weekend. Still this is 
doable. Your background is impressive. I personally thing that the 
jackalope could be removed, and it would not take away from the piece. 
The user will look for it, and like most mythical things not find it.

Ken: are you still doing abstract backgrounds for final release? if so 
this one minus the rabbit looks gorgeous.

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