[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] SuperEarlyShouldn'tBeDoingThisIt'sTooSoonRelease

Cory K. coryisatm at ubuntu.com
Sun Feb 8 16:59:02 GMT 2009

spg76 wrote:
> Thank you for your kind words, Manuel.
> 2009/2/8 Cory K. <coryisatm at ubuntu.com>
>> Yes. It's what I'm hoping Sebastian can shape up.
> I'm using the set now, I've noticed this too.
> I'll refine the folders and let you know when it's done.


> Also, I got a couple of comments.
> The empty-trash it's missing (you can see it on the Manuel screenshot), I've
> fixed this by adding the following to the places folder:
> user-trash
> gnome-fs-trash-empty (symlink)
> gnome-stock-trash (symlink)
> trashcan_empty (symlink)
> xfce-trash_empty (symlink)

This was because of incorrect metadata putting user-trash in /status
(which actually worked here. odd) instead of /places.

> The help icon it's missing, I've fix it by adding the icon to the apps
> folder name help-browser.

It's because the icon you gave was for "system-help". Which is a
Category. :) I have used the same icon for help-browser in /apps now.

I also added my start-here icon just as a placeholder 'till something
better comes along. ;)

All symlinks added, updated in BZR (rev.34) and posted to wiki.

> Another thing that it's bothering me, it's that I'm using GNOME Do and
> several icons aren't drawing right. You can see this also on the Manuel
> screenshot on the Terminal and Monitor icons where the shadow it's drop to
> the left.
> But you can see this more clear it's you open gedit, where the front page
> it's completely black (the zoom icons option must to be off).
> I think this it's related to the SVG drawing problem that we talked
> previously.

Yeah. I don't think it's the SVGs at all. So it's out of our hands IMO.

Manuel Mas wrote:
> I have been raising
> awareness on the Jaunty developer forums (since those are probably the most
> active testers and enthusiasts available) and am getting opinions on both
> New Wave and Breathe.  Here is the thread if you are interested on opinions:
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1063806

Cool. I have a thread about Breathe going on here as well:

I'll put out another archive next weekend for testing.

-Cory K.

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