[ubuntu-art] Facebook Group

Cory K. coryisatm at ubuntu.com
Sun Feb 1 15:18:18 GMT 2009

Thorsten Wilms wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-02-01 at 09:52 -0500, Chris Tomalty wrote:
>> I've noticed that it is somewhat difficult to carry on a dialogue and
>> get comments on a work in a mailinglist and was wondering if there was
>> or if there could be set up a facebook or flickr group for those who
>> would like to have all the submissions in one place, etc.  That way we
>> could make comments directly and more effectively on comps.
>> Thoughts?
> We already have a wiki and an IRC channel.
> What makes you think that you could get more quantity and/or quality in
> comments out of the same people in a different place?

Agreed. The "official" place for submissions has *always* been the wiki.
Just because you set up another 1 or 2 places does not mean people will
use those. I think it would actually only further aggravate the issue.
(people only posting stuff to the ML and hosting elsewhere)

    * IRC - For real-time chat.
    * Wiki - For documentation, submission hosting and light notes about
    * Mailing list - For in-depth discussion about ideas/projects and
      submissions on the wiki.

That's pretty much how it is. If people want to go outside of that, it's
fine but the above 3 are the official ways to interact with the community.

-Cory K.

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