[ubuntu-art] Business Cards

Lasse Havelund lasse at havelund.org
Sun Dec 27 20:17:59 GMT 2009

On 27/12/2009, at 11.55, Thorsten Wilms <t_w_ at freenet.de> wrote:

> These would do, if you provide a version with editable text.
> The deluxe solution would be to just ask for the name/data and
> generate
> a matching SVG ... too bad there's no infrastructure in place to do
> that
> online.

Theoretically, this shouldn't be that difficult. I know Wikimedia
provide an online solution for this, meant for translations. I'll hack
something up in the morning.

> Oh, and I noticed that the big Circle of Friends in the background is
> somehow distorted. Should be replaced with one directly imported from
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=UbuntuCoF.svg

I'm aware the logo used doesn't conform to the logo guidelines; it's
replicated from the onlydesigns o e available from the BusinessCards
page on the wiki though; considering it was still in place, I didn't
see a point in changing it. I'll email Canonical about this.

> How is the cutting usually handled, especially for a custom shape?

Custom shape cutting is usually done by supplying an additional path,
showing the cutting pattern. The onlydesigns one has an example.

> In case someone does it manually, perhaps for a low volume printed at
> home, shouldn't there be crop marks?

Certainly. I could probably include these in whatever script I write
to generate these tomorrow.

-- Lasse

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