[ubuntu-art] Gelatin Metacity?

Kenneth Wimer kwwii at ubuntu.com
Tue Jan 29 22:38:18 GMT 2008

On Tuesday 29 January 2008 23:16:07 Kim Kahns wrote:
> Hi, I'm the guy who created this style (based on venicius d's mockup).
> Does the art team plan to include the gelatin style in the
> alternative-theme package?
> It's just ~30kb big (discovery iconset not included), so it wouldn't
> take away much disk space.

If someone can create a package for this we can at least try to get it into 
the distro. In any case having something in Universe (installable with the 
Add/Remove app) would be a definite improvement. Anyone interested in 
packaging this?

There are probalby other themes that we should try to include as well...ideas?


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