[ubuntu-art] Bug Subscriptions

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Mon Oct 23 18:06:05 BST 2006

Hello everybody,

thanks a lot to everybody who works on artwork related bugs. Just some
minutes ago I assigned
https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/legacyhuman-theme/+bug/67548 to the 'ubuntu-art' team and it took just a few minutes to get helpful comments - that's simply great.

It would be great if the team would be default subscriber to artwork
bugs. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/InBzr might be a good start for a
list of packages. For edgy-gdm-themes for example you just need to check
and mark the 'ubuntu-art' team as subscriber.

The advantage of this is not only being notified and being able to fix
bugs quickly, you also get a nice overview page with that:
https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-art/+packagebugs - the Desktop team
is already using this shiny Launchpad feature to great avail.

It will make you as a team aware of what people want, what is broken
etc. in a very quick fashion.

Thanks in advance, have a nice day,

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