[ubuntu-art] questions about building art pacakges....

Matthew Nicholson sjoeboo at sjoeboo.com
Fri Oct 20 13:36:24 BST 2006

I know this is a bad time, what with the last week of edgy stuff going
on and all, however, its a question I must ask:

Here @ work, we have some ubuntu (dapper) lab systems, that are slowly
becoming my project. One of the first things I'm doing with them is
"branding" them a bit more. (that is, re-themeing via adding the Harvard
crest, crimson colors, etc). I already have some basic stuff done, and
am now trying to figure out the best way to get these themes onto the

right now, the systems PXE boot and do a custom net install. custom
isn't quite right, because its all default things except its both ubuntu
and kubuntu, and the system are set up for network logon.

my first though was/is to modify the ubuntu-art pacakge, add my new
themes, rebuild it, and replace the "standard" one on our repository.
However, I'm not a debian packaging champ, and haven't been able to
figure out where in the pacakge/scripts, X gdm theme/background/whatever
gets set as default.

another solution is obviously to create a seperate package to be
installed with the system, but, once again, I need ot figure out
how/where these thigns get set as defaults. 

any one that can help out, or point me in the direction would be helping
me out a ton.

Thanks, and keep up the great work.

Matthew Nicholson <sjoeboo at sjoeboo.com>
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