[ubuntu-art] My opinion about Edgy artwork

Étienne Bersac bersace03 at laposte.net
Tue Oct 10 19:35:29 BST 2006


> Red captions on GDM with errors like "wrong username or password" look 
> very ugly. They don't look well and they're hardly visible.

This bug is already reported.

> The worst change is new usplash.
> Linux users are used to watching useful informations about starting 
> services. Now, I don't know where my computer crashed (which on Edgy's 
> live-cd happens very often).

Errors are shown.

> The picture looks bad. Simply, previous was better. Now, there is even 
> no distribution name.

Would be nice to have same branding for usplash and gdm. Is it possible
in 256 colors ?

> Now, some psychology information. If nothing on screen moves, there is 
> illusion - user thinks that some process takes more time.

Agree, some of us are working on an animated logo. (You may find
something interesting in the wiki).

Verso l'Alto !

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