[ubuntu-art] booting up screen and desktop

Viper550 gthompson at cogeco.ca
Tue Oct 10 14:47:01 BST 2006

marek wrote:
> Hi,
> I love the way how Ubuntu 6.0.6 was booting up with "ubuntu"
> on the black background with visible working checklist. I also liked
> Draper's standard desktop background. Can we have an option to be
> able to choose Draper's graphics? I have a sound drums when
> my Ubuntu starts up so my family knows that I am not windows
> slave any more.
> Cheers, Marek
What a coincidence, I ported Dapper's Usplash to Edgy's theme system 
last week!


Also, to add the text back, go into your menu.lst file and remove the 
"quiet" option next to your Ubuntu option


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