[ubuntu-art] ubuntu calendar

Joao Inacio jcinacio at gmail.com
Fri Oct 6 19:41:08 BST 2006

On 10/6/06, Viper550 <gthompson at cogeco.ca> wrote:
> Great idea, but at least you've solved one of the problems with the last
> edition of ubuntu-calendar: NO MORE PORNO! We don't want to be called
> "The Porn Distro" or "Ubuntu Linuxxx" again like with Warty...
> Viper550

IMHO it was clear that many didn't like it/found it somewhat
offensive, so i would expect not to see any wallpapers that "explicit"
(sorry for the stong word - poor english) but lets not fuel this issue
I honestly can't see how those pictures where anything related to
porn, but i respect everyone else's opinion the same way i expect
everyone else to respect mine...

That being said, i hope that both the people involved in making these
wallpapers and everyone else using it will have a just a little common

João Inácio

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