[ubuntu-art] Re: Kubuntu/Ubuntu artwork

Pascal Klein 4pascal at tpg.com.au
Mon Dec 26 13:51:23 GMT 2005

On Monday 26 December 2005 02:03, you wrote:
> Can I put a suggestion to you regarding differing styles:
> I have a few styles which I like and have the source code for.  Most of
> them won't compile on Breezy for some reason - I'm guessing gcc4 doesn't
> like the code( Not a Linux programmer).

You just need to understand the error messages and install the missing 
packages and libraries for the compile to work successfully. Also consider 
installing the basic build/compiling utilities:

$ sudo apt-get install built-essential

Now try again.

> Would you be able to package more styles as the Art team under something
> like morekdeartwork or something like that??
> The styles that I would like to see packaged (more for my convienence!)
>   are:
> alloy
> activeheart
> comix
> I do have the source code for these and they are also on kde-look.org too.

Hey Martin.

It seems these styles would be suited for KDE, and what you are suggesting is 
that the art team makes a universe KDE artwork package which may be 
downloaded and installed. Included would be several window decorations, 
themes/styles, splash screens, icon sets, wallpapers and so forth.

This is something the art team has considered to do, at least for Ubuntu (thus 

I will take your suggestion forth into the General Art Team Meeting set very 
soon (actually within the next three days if I remember correctly). Oliver 
Grawert, who does packaging has already given the ok for a general Ubuntu 
(GNOME) art package for the universe repositories. I am sure he and Jonathan 
Riddell would have nothing against a universe kubuntu art package as well. :)

Actually why don't you join us for the General Art Team Meeting? It is being 
held in #ubuntu-meeting and the date is currently being voted upon:


This will allow you to personally forward your ideas and allow us to consider 
them and probably, but the looks of things, implement them. :)

Cheers and enjoy the festive season,
Pascal Klein

Pascal Klein
Full time student

Linux Australia		http://www.linux.org.au
Ubuntu Art Team	http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtTeam

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