[ubuntu-art] Sorry for my stupidity

Luka Cehovin luka.cehovin at guest.arnes.si
Tue Dec 20 20:19:33 GMT 2005

Ville Sokk wrote:

>If anyone has noticed I'm a new poster in the ubuntu-art list. I just
>joined the art team. I have some questions.
welcome to the oh-look-it-appears-to-be-almost-dead ubuntu art team :)

well its not that bad, but a bit of sarcasm does not hurt anyone (or 
does it?) .. perhaps it will even wake up some of the lurkers here on 
the list ;)

>How to contribute to the humility icon set? I can use the wiki, but do I
>have to talk to someone or do I just start making icons?
ugh... sorry to disappoint you but the humility project is ... well 
dead. (somebody correct me if i am wrong). but if you are still 
interested in making icons for this icon set, then i guess you can 
express your interest here and somebody will give you the latest working 
copy  (again: somebody correct me if i am wrong)

>Where are you currently in you're progress? What are you making right now
>(a wierd question, but I don't know how to ask it)?
Well the answer might be even a bit weirder: currently we are in 
progress of planning our meeting. while it may seem that this task is 
not that great you will see in time that the team is spread around the 
globe and it is really hard to find a time and day that would be good 
for at least eight people.

i see that you have written your name on the wiki art team page. please 
add your interests after your name so that we can know who would like to 
do what when it comes to actually doing something...

have fun and do be active ... we need more active people to keep the 
team up and running


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