[ubuntu-art] Metacity Idea

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at ubuntu.com
Thu Dec 8 01:09:04 GMT 2005

<quote who="Viper550">

> Ville Soak wrote:
> > The buttons look like vista :S I don't like that. But I'm not a member
> > of the art team (yet) too :)
> Yes, they do look like Vista, but don't forget that we've been imitating
> Windows for ages!

This really is not true, and not the optimal course for Free Software. The
GNOME project is specifically avoiding imitation, emulation or cloning of
the Windows user interface *where it matters*, because it does not encourage
innovation, and users react negatively to an interfaces that looks like what
they're familiar with, but does not *work* like what they're familiar with.

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2006: Dunedin, New Zealand               http://linux.conf.au/
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