distrowatch comment: "Ubuntu Breezy Badger - is it too dumbed down? "

Mark Shuttleworth mark at canonical.com
Fri Dec 23 13:47:21 GMT 2005

Scott wrote:

> Jeff Waugh wrote:
>>> Did "build-essential" become a huge package overnight?  I can't see how
>>> adding it would make the project "lose focus".

>> It's on the CD, ready to install as soon as you need it, without the
>> need
>> for access to the network.
>> - Jeff
> Franky that's irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.
> Any software I want that's not installed by default I get from the
> repositories.  It's just easier than having to insert a CD later.
> My point still stands. It should be part of the default installation.

Having build-essential itself installed by default is scarcely of value,
you would need the -dev headers and potentially also debugging symbols
etc. to make it useful. And that *is* a lot of space.


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