[PATCH] fwts-test: arg-help-0001: fix up some tests issues

Colin King colin.king at canonical.com
Tue Mar 11 12:33:17 UTC 2014

From: Colin Ian King <colin.king at canonical.com>

We're seeing some problems with these tests on pbuilders so
force the tty width to 50 and fix up one of the test paths to
address these issues.

A 50 char wide tty forces the help info wrap code to be exercised,
and is good extreeme corner case test.

Signed-off-by: Colin Ian King <colin.king at canonical.com>
 fwts-test/arg-help-0001/arg-help-0001.log | 282 +++++++++++++++++++++---------
 fwts-test/arg-help-0001/arg-help-0002.log | 282 +++++++++++++++++++++---------
 fwts-test/arg-help-0001/test-0001.sh      |   4 +-
 fwts-test/arg-help-0001/test-0002.sh      |   7 +-
 4 files changed, 397 insertions(+), 178 deletions(-)

diff --git a/fwts-test/arg-help-0001/arg-help-0001.log b/fwts-test/arg-help-0001/arg-help-0001.log
index bd36251..362b95e 100644
--- a/fwts-test/arg-help-0001/arg-help-0001.log
+++ b/fwts-test/arg-help-0001/arg-help-0001.log
@@ -1,106 +1,214 @@
---acpica                     Enable ACPICA run time options.
---acpica-debug               Enable ACPICA debug/warning messages.
+--acpica                     Enable ACPICA run
+                             time options.
+--acpica-debug               Enable ACPICA debug
+                             /warning messages.
 -a, --all                    Run all tests.
--b, --batch                  Run non-Interactive tests.
---batch-experimental         Run Batch Experimental tests.
---disassemble-aml            Disassemble AML from DSDT and SSDT tables.
--d, --dump                   Dump out dmesg, dmidecode, lspci, ACPI tables to
-                             logs.
---dumpfile                   Load ACPI tables using file generated by acpidump,
-                             e.g. --dumpfile=acpidump.dat
---filter-error-discard       Discard errors that match any of the specified
-                             labels.
---filter-error-keep          Keep errors that match any of the specified labels.
--f, --force-clean            Force a clean results log file.
+-b, --batch                  Run non-Interactive
+                             tests.
+--batch-experimental         Run Batch
+                             Experimental tests.
+--disassemble-aml            Disassemble AML from
+                             DSDT and SSDT tables.
+-d, --dump                   Dump out dmesg,
+                             dmidecode, lspci,
+                             ACPI tables to logs.
+--dumpfile                   Load ACPI tables
+                             using file generated
+                             by acpidump, e.g.
+                             --dumpfile=acpidump.dat
+--filter-error-discard       Discard errors that
+                             match any of the
+                             specified labels.
+--filter-error-keep          Keep errors that
+                             match any of the
+                             specified labels.
+-f, --force-clean            Force a clean results
+                             log file.
 -h, -?, --help               Print this help.
--i, --interactive            Just run Interactive tests.
---interactive-experimental   Just run Interactive Experimental tests.
--j, --json-data-path         Specify path to fwts json data files - default is 
-                             /usr/share/fwts.
--k, --klog                   Specify kernel log file rather than reading it from
-                             the kernel, e.g. --klog=dmesg.log
---log-fields                 Show available log filtering fields.
---log-filter                 Define filters to dump out specific log fields:
-                             --log-filter=RES,SUM - dump out results and summary
-                             , --log-filter=ALL,~INF - dump out all fields
+-i, --interactive            Just run Interactive
+                             tests.
+--interactive-experimental   Just run Interactive
+                             Experimental tests.
+-j, --json-data-path         Specify path to fwts
+                             json data files -
+                             default is /usr/share
+                             /fwts.
+-k, --klog                   Specify kernel log
+                             file rather than
+                             reading it from the
+                             kernel, e.g.
+                             --klog=dmesg.log
+--log-fields                 Show available log
+                             filtering fields.
+--log-filter                 Define filters to
+                             dump out specific log
+                             fields:
+                             --log-filter=RES,SUM
+                             - dump out results
+                             and summary,
+                             --log-filter=ALL,~INF
+                             - dump out all fields
                              except info fields.
---log-format                 Define output log format: e.g. --log-format="%date
-                             %time [%field] (%owner): ". Fields are: %time -
-                             time, %field - filter field, %owner - name of test,
-                             %level - failure error level, %line - log line
+--log-format                 Define output log
+                             format: e.g.
+                             --log-format="%date
+                             %time [%field]
+                             (%owner): ". Fields
+                             are: %time - time,
+                             %field - filter field
+                             , %owner - name of
+                             test, %level -
+                             failure error level,
+                             %line - log line
---log-type                   Specify log type (plaintext, json, html or xml).
--w, --log-width              Define the output log width in characters.
---lspci                      Specify path to lspci, e.g. --lspci=path.
--P, --power-states           Test S3, S4 power states.
+--log-type                   Specify log type
+                             (plaintext, json,
+                             html or xml).
+-w, --log-width              Define the output log
+                             width in characters.
+--lspci                      Specify path to lspci
+                             , e.g. --lspci=path.
+-P, --power-states           Test S3, S4 power
+                             states.
 -q, --quiet                  Run quietly.
---results-no-separators      No horizontal separators in results log.
--r, --results-output         Output results to a named file. Filename can also
-                             be stout or stderr, e.g.
-                             --results-output=myresults.log, -r stdout.
--R, --rsdp                   Specify the physical address of the ACPI RSDP.
---s3-delay-delta             Time to be added to delay between S3 iterations.
-                             Used in conjunction with --s3-min-delay and
-                             --s3-max-delay, e.g. --s3-delay-delta=2.5
---s3-device-check            Check differences between device configurations
-                             over a S3 cycle. Note we add a default of 15
-                             seconds to allow wifi to re-associate. Cannot be
-                             used with --s3-min-delay, --s3-max-delay and
+--results-no-separators      No horizontal
+                             separators in results
+                             log.
+-r, --results-output         Output results to a
+                             named file. Filename
+                             can also be stout or
+                             stderr, e.g.
+                             --results-output=myresults.log
+                             , -r stdout.
+-R, --rsdp                   Specify the physical
+                             address of the ACPI
+                             RSDP.
+--s3-delay-delta             Time to be added to
+                             delay between S3
+                             iterations. Used in
+                             conjunction with
+                             --s3-min-delay and
+                             --s3-max-delay, e.g.
+                             --s3-delay-delta=2.5
+--s3-device-check            Check differences
+                             between device
+                             configurations over a
+                             S3 cycle. Note we add
+                             a default of 15
+                             seconds to allow wifi
+                             to re-associate.
+                             Cannot be used with
+                             --s3-min-delay,
+                             --s3-max-delay and
---s3-device-check-delay      Sleep N seconds before we run a device check after
-                             waking up from suspend. Default is 15 seconds, e.g.
+--s3-device-check-delay      Sleep N seconds
+                             before we run a
+                             device check after
+                             waking up from
+                             suspend. Default is
+                             15 seconds, e.g.
---s3-max-delay               Maximum time between S3 iterations, e.g.
+--s3-max-delay               Maximum time between
+                             S3 iterations, e.g.
---s3-min-delay               Minimum time between S3 iterations, e.g.
+--s3-min-delay               Minimum time between
+                             S3 iterations, e.g.
---s3-multiple                Run S3 tests multiple times, e.g. --s3-multiple=10.
---s3-quirks                  Comma separated list of quirk arguments to pass to
-                             pm-suspend.
---s3-resume-time             Maximum expected resume time in seconds, e.g.
+--s3-multiple                Run S3 tests multiple
+                             times, e.g.
+                             --s3-multiple=10.
+--s3-quirks                  Comma separated list
+                             of quirk arguments to
+                             pass to pm-suspend.
+--s3-resume-time             Maximum expected
+                             resume time in
+                             seconds, e.g.
---s3-sleep-delay             Sleep N seconds between start of suspend and wakeup
-                             , e.g. --s3-sleep-delay=60
---s3-suspend-time            Maximum expected suspend time in seconds, e.g.
+--s3-sleep-delay             Sleep N seconds
+                             between start of
+                             suspend and wakeup,
+                             e.g.
+                             --s3-sleep-delay=60
+--s3-suspend-time            Maximum expected
+                             suspend time in
+                             seconds, e.g.
---s3power-sleep-delay        Sleep N seconds between start of suspend and wakeup
-                             , e.g. --s3power-sleep-delay=60
---s4-delay-delta             Time to be added to delay between S4 iterations.
-                             Used in conjunction with --s4-min-delay and
+--s3power-sleep-delay        Sleep N seconds
+                             between start of
+                             suspend and wakeup,
+                             e.g.
+                             --s3power-sleep-delay=60
+--s4-delay-delta             Time to be added to
+                             delay between S4
+                             iterations. Used in
+                             conjunction with
+                             --s4-min-delay and
---s4-device-check            Check differences between device configurations
-                             over a S4 cycle. Note we add a default of 15
-                             seconds to allow wifi to re-associate. Cannot be
-                             used with --s4-min-delay, --s4-max-delay and
+--s4-device-check            Check differences
+                             between device
+                             configurations over a
+                             S4 cycle. Note we add
+                             a default of 15
+                             seconds to allow wifi
+                             to re-associate.
+                             Cannot be used with
+                             --s4-min-delay,
+                             --s4-max-delay and
---s4-device-check-delay      Sleep N seconds before we run a device check after
-                             waking up from hibernate. Default is 15 seconds.
---s4-max-delay               Maximum time between S4 iterations.
---s4-min-delay               Minimum time between S4 iterations.
---s4-multiple                Run S4 tests multiple times, e.g. --s4-multiple=10.
---s4-quirks                  Comma separated list of quirk arguments to pass to
-                             pm-hibernate.
---s4-sleep-delay             Sleep N seconds between start of hibernate and
-                             wakeup.
--p, --show-progress          Output test progress report to stderr.
--D, --show-progress-dialog   Output test progress for use in dialog tool.
+--s4-device-check-delay      Sleep N seconds
+                             before we run a
+                             device check after
+                             waking up from
+                             hibernate. Default is
+                             15 seconds.
+--s4-max-delay               Maximum time between
+                             S4 iterations.
+--s4-min-delay               Minimum time between
+                             S4 iterations.
+--s4-multiple                Run S4 tests multiple
+                             times, e.g.
+                             --s4-multiple=10.
+--s4-quirks                  Comma separated list
+                             of quirk arguments to
+                             pass to pm-hibernate.
+--s4-sleep-delay             Sleep N seconds
+                             between start of
+                             hibernate and wakeup.
+-p, --show-progress          Output test progress
+                             report to stderr.
+-D, --show-progress-dialog   Output test progress
+                             for use in dialog
+                             tool.
 -s, --show-tests             Show available tests.
---show-tests-full            Show available tests including all minor tests.
--S, --skip-test              Skip listed tests, e.g. --skip-test=s3,nx,method
---stdout-summary             Output SUCCESS or FAILED to stdout at end of tests.
--t, --table-path             Path to ACPI tables dumped by acpidump and then
-                             acpixtract, e.g. --table-path=/some/path/to
-                             /acpidumps
+--show-tests-full            Show available tests
+                             including all minor
+                             tests.
+-S, --skip-test              Skip listed tests,
+                             e.g. --skip-test=s3
+                             ,nx,method
+--stdout-summary             Output SUCCESS or
+                             FAILED to stdout at
+                             end of tests.
+-t, --table-path             Path to ACPI tables
+                             dumped by acpidump
+                             and then acpixtract,
+                             e.g. --table-path=
+                             /some/path/to/acpidumps
 --uefi                       Run UEFI tests.
---uefi-get-var-multiple      Run uefirtvariable get variable test multiple
-                             times.
---uefi-query-var-multiple    Run uefirtvariable query variable test multiple
-                             times.
---uefi-set-var-multiple      Run uefirtvariable set variable test multiple
-                             times.
--U, --unsafe                 Unsafe tests (tests that can potentially cause
-                             kernel oopses).
+--uefi-get-var-multiple      Run uefirtvariable
+                             get variable test
+                             multiple times.
+--uefi-query-var-multiple    Run uefirtvariable
+                             query variable test
+                             multiple times.
+--uefi-set-var-multiple      Run uefirtvariable
+                             set variable test
+                             multiple times.
+-U, --unsafe                 Unsafe tests (tests
+                             that can potentially
+                             cause kernel oopses).
 -u, --utils                  Run Utility 'tests'.
+                             (V14.02.00).
 Some of this work - Copyright (c) 1999 - 2014, Intel Corp. All rights reserved.
 Some of this work - Copyright (c) 2010 - 2014, Canonical.
diff --git a/fwts-test/arg-help-0001/arg-help-0002.log b/fwts-test/arg-help-0001/arg-help-0002.log
index bd36251..362b95e 100644
--- a/fwts-test/arg-help-0001/arg-help-0002.log
+++ b/fwts-test/arg-help-0001/arg-help-0002.log
@@ -1,106 +1,214 @@
---acpica                     Enable ACPICA run time options.
---acpica-debug               Enable ACPICA debug/warning messages.
+--acpica                     Enable ACPICA run
+                             time options.
+--acpica-debug               Enable ACPICA debug
+                             /warning messages.
 -a, --all                    Run all tests.
--b, --batch                  Run non-Interactive tests.
---batch-experimental         Run Batch Experimental tests.
---disassemble-aml            Disassemble AML from DSDT and SSDT tables.
--d, --dump                   Dump out dmesg, dmidecode, lspci, ACPI tables to
-                             logs.
---dumpfile                   Load ACPI tables using file generated by acpidump,
-                             e.g. --dumpfile=acpidump.dat
---filter-error-discard       Discard errors that match any of the specified
-                             labels.
---filter-error-keep          Keep errors that match any of the specified labels.
--f, --force-clean            Force a clean results log file.
+-b, --batch                  Run non-Interactive
+                             tests.
+--batch-experimental         Run Batch
+                             Experimental tests.
+--disassemble-aml            Disassemble AML from
+                             DSDT and SSDT tables.
+-d, --dump                   Dump out dmesg,
+                             dmidecode, lspci,
+                             ACPI tables to logs.
+--dumpfile                   Load ACPI tables
+                             using file generated
+                             by acpidump, e.g.
+                             --dumpfile=acpidump.dat
+--filter-error-discard       Discard errors that
+                             match any of the
+                             specified labels.
+--filter-error-keep          Keep errors that
+                             match any of the
+                             specified labels.
+-f, --force-clean            Force a clean results
+                             log file.
 -h, -?, --help               Print this help.
--i, --interactive            Just run Interactive tests.
---interactive-experimental   Just run Interactive Experimental tests.
--j, --json-data-path         Specify path to fwts json data files - default is 
-                             /usr/share/fwts.
--k, --klog                   Specify kernel log file rather than reading it from
-                             the kernel, e.g. --klog=dmesg.log
---log-fields                 Show available log filtering fields.
---log-filter                 Define filters to dump out specific log fields:
-                             --log-filter=RES,SUM - dump out results and summary
-                             , --log-filter=ALL,~INF - dump out all fields
+-i, --interactive            Just run Interactive
+                             tests.
+--interactive-experimental   Just run Interactive
+                             Experimental tests.
+-j, --json-data-path         Specify path to fwts
+                             json data files -
+                             default is /usr/share
+                             /fwts.
+-k, --klog                   Specify kernel log
+                             file rather than
+                             reading it from the
+                             kernel, e.g.
+                             --klog=dmesg.log
+--log-fields                 Show available log
+                             filtering fields.
+--log-filter                 Define filters to
+                             dump out specific log
+                             fields:
+                             --log-filter=RES,SUM
+                             - dump out results
+                             and summary,
+                             --log-filter=ALL,~INF
+                             - dump out all fields
                              except info fields.
---log-format                 Define output log format: e.g. --log-format="%date
-                             %time [%field] (%owner): ". Fields are: %time -
-                             time, %field - filter field, %owner - name of test,
-                             %level - failure error level, %line - log line
+--log-format                 Define output log
+                             format: e.g.
+                             --log-format="%date
+                             %time [%field]
+                             (%owner): ". Fields
+                             are: %time - time,
+                             %field - filter field
+                             , %owner - name of
+                             test, %level -
+                             failure error level,
+                             %line - log line
---log-type                   Specify log type (plaintext, json, html or xml).
--w, --log-width              Define the output log width in characters.
---lspci                      Specify path to lspci, e.g. --lspci=path.
--P, --power-states           Test S3, S4 power states.
+--log-type                   Specify log type
+                             (plaintext, json,
+                             html or xml).
+-w, --log-width              Define the output log
+                             width in characters.
+--lspci                      Specify path to lspci
+                             , e.g. --lspci=path.
+-P, --power-states           Test S3, S4 power
+                             states.
 -q, --quiet                  Run quietly.
---results-no-separators      No horizontal separators in results log.
--r, --results-output         Output results to a named file. Filename can also
-                             be stout or stderr, e.g.
-                             --results-output=myresults.log, -r stdout.
--R, --rsdp                   Specify the physical address of the ACPI RSDP.
---s3-delay-delta             Time to be added to delay between S3 iterations.
-                             Used in conjunction with --s3-min-delay and
-                             --s3-max-delay, e.g. --s3-delay-delta=2.5
---s3-device-check            Check differences between device configurations
-                             over a S3 cycle. Note we add a default of 15
-                             seconds to allow wifi to re-associate. Cannot be
-                             used with --s3-min-delay, --s3-max-delay and
+--results-no-separators      No horizontal
+                             separators in results
+                             log.
+-r, --results-output         Output results to a
+                             named file. Filename
+                             can also be stout or
+                             stderr, e.g.
+                             --results-output=myresults.log
+                             , -r stdout.
+-R, --rsdp                   Specify the physical
+                             address of the ACPI
+                             RSDP.
+--s3-delay-delta             Time to be added to
+                             delay between S3
+                             iterations. Used in
+                             conjunction with
+                             --s3-min-delay and
+                             --s3-max-delay, e.g.
+                             --s3-delay-delta=2.5
+--s3-device-check            Check differences
+                             between device
+                             configurations over a
+                             S3 cycle. Note we add
+                             a default of 15
+                             seconds to allow wifi
+                             to re-associate.
+                             Cannot be used with
+                             --s3-min-delay,
+                             --s3-max-delay and
---s3-device-check-delay      Sleep N seconds before we run a device check after
-                             waking up from suspend. Default is 15 seconds, e.g.
+--s3-device-check-delay      Sleep N seconds
+                             before we run a
+                             device check after
+                             waking up from
+                             suspend. Default is
+                             15 seconds, e.g.
---s3-max-delay               Maximum time between S3 iterations, e.g.
+--s3-max-delay               Maximum time between
+                             S3 iterations, e.g.
---s3-min-delay               Minimum time between S3 iterations, e.g.
+--s3-min-delay               Minimum time between
+                             S3 iterations, e.g.
---s3-multiple                Run S3 tests multiple times, e.g. --s3-multiple=10.
---s3-quirks                  Comma separated list of quirk arguments to pass to
-                             pm-suspend.
---s3-resume-time             Maximum expected resume time in seconds, e.g.
+--s3-multiple                Run S3 tests multiple
+                             times, e.g.
+                             --s3-multiple=10.
+--s3-quirks                  Comma separated list
+                             of quirk arguments to
+                             pass to pm-suspend.
+--s3-resume-time             Maximum expected
+                             resume time in
+                             seconds, e.g.
---s3-sleep-delay             Sleep N seconds between start of suspend and wakeup
-                             , e.g. --s3-sleep-delay=60
---s3-suspend-time            Maximum expected suspend time in seconds, e.g.
+--s3-sleep-delay             Sleep N seconds
+                             between start of
+                             suspend and wakeup,
+                             e.g.
+                             --s3-sleep-delay=60
+--s3-suspend-time            Maximum expected
+                             suspend time in
+                             seconds, e.g.
---s3power-sleep-delay        Sleep N seconds between start of suspend and wakeup
-                             , e.g. --s3power-sleep-delay=60
---s4-delay-delta             Time to be added to delay between S4 iterations.
-                             Used in conjunction with --s4-min-delay and
+--s3power-sleep-delay        Sleep N seconds
+                             between start of
+                             suspend and wakeup,
+                             e.g.
+                             --s3power-sleep-delay=60
+--s4-delay-delta             Time to be added to
+                             delay between S4
+                             iterations. Used in
+                             conjunction with
+                             --s4-min-delay and
---s4-device-check            Check differences between device configurations
-                             over a S4 cycle. Note we add a default of 15
-                             seconds to allow wifi to re-associate. Cannot be
-                             used with --s4-min-delay, --s4-max-delay and
+--s4-device-check            Check differences
+                             between device
+                             configurations over a
+                             S4 cycle. Note we add
+                             a default of 15
+                             seconds to allow wifi
+                             to re-associate.
+                             Cannot be used with
+                             --s4-min-delay,
+                             --s4-max-delay and
---s4-device-check-delay      Sleep N seconds before we run a device check after
-                             waking up from hibernate. Default is 15 seconds.
---s4-max-delay               Maximum time between S4 iterations.
---s4-min-delay               Minimum time between S4 iterations.
---s4-multiple                Run S4 tests multiple times, e.g. --s4-multiple=10.
---s4-quirks                  Comma separated list of quirk arguments to pass to
-                             pm-hibernate.
---s4-sleep-delay             Sleep N seconds between start of hibernate and
-                             wakeup.
--p, --show-progress          Output test progress report to stderr.
--D, --show-progress-dialog   Output test progress for use in dialog tool.
+--s4-device-check-delay      Sleep N seconds
+                             before we run a
+                             device check after
+                             waking up from
+                             hibernate. Default is
+                             15 seconds.
+--s4-max-delay               Maximum time between
+                             S4 iterations.
+--s4-min-delay               Minimum time between
+                             S4 iterations.
+--s4-multiple                Run S4 tests multiple
+                             times, e.g.
+                             --s4-multiple=10.
+--s4-quirks                  Comma separated list
+                             of quirk arguments to
+                             pass to pm-hibernate.
+--s4-sleep-delay             Sleep N seconds
+                             between start of
+                             hibernate and wakeup.
+-p, --show-progress          Output test progress
+                             report to stderr.
+-D, --show-progress-dialog   Output test progress
+                             for use in dialog
+                             tool.
 -s, --show-tests             Show available tests.
---show-tests-full            Show available tests including all minor tests.
--S, --skip-test              Skip listed tests, e.g. --skip-test=s3,nx,method
---stdout-summary             Output SUCCESS or FAILED to stdout at end of tests.
--t, --table-path             Path to ACPI tables dumped by acpidump and then
-                             acpixtract, e.g. --table-path=/some/path/to
-                             /acpidumps
+--show-tests-full            Show available tests
+                             including all minor
+                             tests.
+-S, --skip-test              Skip listed tests,
+                             e.g. --skip-test=s3
+                             ,nx,method
+--stdout-summary             Output SUCCESS or
+                             FAILED to stdout at
+                             end of tests.
+-t, --table-path             Path to ACPI tables
+                             dumped by acpidump
+                             and then acpixtract,
+                             e.g. --table-path=
+                             /some/path/to/acpidumps
 --uefi                       Run UEFI tests.
---uefi-get-var-multiple      Run uefirtvariable get variable test multiple
-                             times.
---uefi-query-var-multiple    Run uefirtvariable query variable test multiple
-                             times.
---uefi-set-var-multiple      Run uefirtvariable set variable test multiple
-                             times.
--U, --unsafe                 Unsafe tests (tests that can potentially cause
-                             kernel oopses).
+--uefi-get-var-multiple      Run uefirtvariable
+                             get variable test
+                             multiple times.
+--uefi-query-var-multiple    Run uefirtvariable
+                             query variable test
+                             multiple times.
+--uefi-set-var-multiple      Run uefirtvariable
+                             set variable test
+                             multiple times.
+-U, --unsafe                 Unsafe tests (tests
+                             that can potentially
+                             cause kernel oopses).
 -u, --utils                  Run Utility 'tests'.
+                             (V14.02.00).
 Some of this work - Copyright (c) 1999 - 2014, Intel Corp. All rights reserved.
 Some of this work - Copyright (c) 2010 - 2014, Canonical.
diff --git a/fwts-test/arg-help-0001/test-0001.sh b/fwts-test/arg-help-0001/test-0001.sh
index d61275a..75e43be 100755
--- a/fwts-test/arg-help-0001/test-0001.sh
+++ b/fwts-test/arg-help-0001/test-0001.sh
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
 	exit 77
-stty cols 80
+stty cols 50
 $FWTS -h | grep -v "Show version" | grep -v "Usage" > $TMPLOG
 diff $TMPLOG $FWTSTESTDIR/arg-help-0001/arg-help-0001.log >> $FAILURE_LOG
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
+stty cols 80
 exit $ret
diff --git a/fwts-test/arg-help-0001/test-0002.sh b/fwts-test/arg-help-0001/test-0002.sh
index 9fd914f..eb76d29 100755
--- a/fwts-test/arg-help-0001/test-0002.sh
+++ b/fwts-test/arg-help-0001/test-0002.sh
@@ -14,16 +14,17 @@ if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
 	exit 77
-stty cols 80
+stty cols 50
 $FWTS --help | grep -v "Show version" | grep -v "Usage" > $TMPLOG
-diff $TMPLOG fwts-test/arg-help-0001/arg-help-0002.log >> $FAILURE_LOG
+diff $TMPLOG $FWTSTESTDIR/arg-help-0001/arg-help-0002.log >> $FAILURE_LOG
 if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then 
+stty cols 80
 exit $ret

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